What's up with these Asians of late?
Everytime you see them nowadays
they are in a right paddy (no offence
Mr O'Reilly).
At one time they were all happy watching
Kabadi on Eurosport but nowadays nothing
but bombings and a man with a hook for
a hand (very useful if you drop your keys
down a grid).
Me and Denise turned the telly on last
Wednesday and it was that Ken Bigley
thing again.
The first time I seen Ken in that blindfold
surrounded by Asians I shouted to Denise
'Aye up Denny, them Asians have come up
with a follow up to Kabadi.....I think it's some
kind of Asian blindman's bluff'.
Anyway could you send round a surveyor for
the drains. There's a terrible smell in the
house. It's driving me, denise, the eleven
whippets, five pups an seven kids potty