My Denise told me to write in an tell you that she
is 'as happy as Gary Glitter stuck in a lift with
the St Winifred's school choir'. Yes oh yes oh yes
the new aliminium sink has arrived and is fitted
(between me and you the old one is in Moore's
The new one is the buisness, just the right height
for a bit of late night pot washing, if you get my
drift. You're a man of the world Mr O'Reilly when
nature calls and that we've all got to answer.
Mind back in the old country it's a shovel and a
hole. Not knocking the old ways but when i've got a
jumbo in the departure lounge i need more
than this window box to have a dump in. No
there's a lot to be said for western civilisation and
an infra structure that does away with a bucket
under the bed.
Anyway me and Denise are just waiting for the
glue to dry on the flashback tiling and then we
are going to christan the sink
P.S. Is Mrs Fenton an Aries?